How to pay: Smartpit

At any Lawson, Mini Stop or Family Mart


If you are at LAWSON or MINI STOP convenience store, please search for LOPPI device.

  1. On the main screen, select the fisrt square as shown on the image:

2. Type the smartpit number (13 numbers) and press the orange button bellow:

3. Select the first option (smartpit payment) and press the orange button one more time.

4. Select the payment and press the orange button one more time

5. Press the orange button one more time

6. Wait for the device to print a receipt. Take the receipt to the cashier and complete the payment.

Family Mart

If you are at a FAMILY MART convenience store, please search for FAMI PORT device.

1 . On the main screen, press the SmartPIT orange button as shown on the following image

2. Type the smartpit number (13 numbers) and press the OK button

3. Select the preferred payment and press the OK button TWICE

4. Wait for the device to print a receipt. Take the receipt to the cashier and complete the payment.